This fall, please join Kapor Capital, Google for Entrepreneurs, and Village Capital for an exciting initiative supporting emerging startups who are leveraging tech to remove or mitigate bias from hiring and employment practices.
The initiative will:
- a) highlight the limits of traditional approaches to human resources; and
- b) showcase a group of startups reinventing how every aspect of human resources is practiced from writing job descriptions to sourcing candidates to evaluating performance.
Today, we have convened investors from across Silicon Valley for an initial discussion entitled, “How do we leverage tech to improve People Ops?”
We believe that startups have significant opportunity to reduce bias, and today we’re working to identify the biggest opportunities for startups disrupting traditional HR and mitigating bias throughout the employment cycle, including:
- Lack of diversity in part generated by overreliance on referral networks;
- Using school rankings and past companies as proxies for skills and competencies;
- Interview techniques that are known to be biased and ineffective;
- Current HR practices as administrative, not strategic, practices within organizations.
But today’s conversation is just the start. What’s next in this initiative?
November 10 (Oakland, CA): Workplace Inclusion Pitch Event, with $100,000 investment commitment from Kapor Capital
Kapor Capital, Google for Entrepreneurs, and Village Capital will recruit and showcase a group of enterprises using technology to create more inclusive hiring practices and workforces around the country. This pitchfest will convene a wide variety of stakeholders, including potential investors, mentors, and customers from around the region.
Target Enterprises
We are looking for early stage ventures that are leveraging technology to mitigate bias at scale by reinventing any part of the HR/People Ops/People Analytics process, including recruiting, hiring, interviewing, assignment, performance evaluation, promotion, compensation, complaint-handling, training, and other processes.
At the end of the pitch event, Kapor Capital will invest at least $100,000 in participating teams, signaling the competitive advantage both venture investors and startups can have by investing in an inclusive workforce.
Please save the date for November 10, and if you know a company that fits these criteria, please encourage them to apply here.
All the best,
Freada Kapor Klein, Kapor Capital
John Lyman, Google for Entrepreneurs
Ross Baird, Village Capital